So, A Company Man stars So Ji-sub, Lee Mi-yeon, Kwak Do-won and Kim Dong-jun. When his new trainee gets killed on the job, an ambitious corporate assassin feels an obligation to take care of the kids family--but he takes his eyes off the ball and all hell is about to break lose.
OMG! Where do I start!? There are so many deliciously good things about this movie I have no clue how to break it all down.
Oh first thing's first, this movie is IN Korean so you must be okay with reading subs to enjoy it. But even having to read the subs did not take away from this movie.
So this movie started out in a way that Hollywood movies wouldn't. We already know they'd start out in someone crap blowing up. But this is NOT a Hollywood movie--this was filmed in Korea. So their styles of making movies and writing is WAY different than ours. With that said, this movie blew me away at how intricate the story line is. This company basically kills people, that's what they do undercover but above ground they're just a metal company. When Hyeong Do (played by Ji-Seob So) begins having second thought about his job and wants to get out of it, the people he's gotten close to are now in danger, right after they ordered him dead. This movie doesn't have any high flying graphics but the action was amazing! Ji-Seob's character was so good. He plays the character perfectly--It was like Jason Statham meets Jackie Chan meets Rain meets Bad Ass and I loved it.
The dead look in his eyes as he realized what he's been doing was wrong and the way it seems his soul was lost just broke my heart. Everything he did after that killed a little more of him, breaking him to the point where he just focused on his goal and kick some serious tail!
There were a few parts that had me blinking and going, "erm." But other than that I appreciate the closeness to real life. There were parts that made me cry and other parts had me giggling and going "awww." The ending I appreciate though I would have liked to have seen a romantic connection but you will enjoy this movie.
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